Juvenile Justice Department

REGION 7 : Training of Police Officers at Palm Springs Conference Room Bartica 25th – 26th September, 2019

Training commenced on the 25th September, 2019 @9am with approximately sixteen participants from Bartica Police Station. The training is designed to proceed by the following guideline:

Day 1

  1. The participants are given pre-evaluation forms to fill out to decipher their knowledge on the Juvenile Justice Act,
  2. After which the Manual drafted by the Juvenile Justice Department is presented.
  3. The participants are trained on their international obligations, roles and responsibilities, diversion measures, procedure and timelines for reports, rights of the juveniles, placement in detention, placement in closed or open residential facilities, obtaining statements and record keeping.

Day 2- (26th September, 2019)

  1. the participants are tasked with preparing guidelines for informal action for reducing aggression and conflict, formal action, identifying ways police can support, sustain and expand Youth & Law Enforcement engagement and factors police should consider before taking official action against a juvenile.
  • The participants are also presented with case scenarios and asked to role play the correlating approach.
  • An evaluation sheet is submitted at the end of the sessions.

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